Oral vaccination has been used to fight rabies since the early 1990s. Every year The U.S. Department of Agriculture carries out annual oral rabies vaccine distribution to spread of raccoon rabies from the eastern United States into the heartland as per USDA news release.
Coated sachet baits, which are coasted with an oily, fish-scented substance to attract raccoons and other hungry critters, containing the RABORAL V-RG® or ONRAB oral rabies vaccine (ORV) is distributed.
These vaccines are dropped from air in vast areas excluding urban centers.In Urban areas special 'bet stations' are set up.
Earlier A group of researchers at the National Wildlife Research Center had found that raccoons are more likely to consume baits used to lure them to ingest rabies vaccines if the bait is fish-flavored. As Raccoon rabit is a big problem so this excercise is carried out annually.
The oral vaccine has been found to be safe in over 60 animal species, says the USDA including domestic dogs and cats however some precautions must be taken by pet owners.These baits should be removed from where your pet could easily eat them. Eating the
baits won’t harm your pet, but consuming several baits might upset your pet’s stomach. A warning label on each bait advises people not to touch the bait, and contains the rabies information line telephone number.
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